Tuesday, September 21, 2010

3-D stitch trick & HOW PDF

Once in a while I like to throw in funny little stitches in my designs, some are used for 3-D whiskers, scarf fringe, shoe laces etc  Anyway here is how to do the cat's whiskers (on this one I did not make 3-D fringe on scarf but you could, I have on others)  and at the end is a link to the printable PDF from Sunday on how I make the ornaments.

If you know know how to make a quilters' knot you've it made in the shade, we're just going to revamp it a little.
First make a quilters' knot with a long tail (can be any length, I usually make them a little longer than I want finished and trim when done).
if you don't know how to make a quilters' knot, see picture steps below, this is a revamped version of a quilters knot, they don't want quite as big a knot but they are also using thinner thread.)

Wrap needle.  For this demo I used 3 wraps, .
carefully grab thread tails  and wraps and pull fairly tight
 pull needle & thread through the wraps forming a knot. It is not through any fabric yet.......
from the top go in whisker area and back out other side.
Now to make knot on other side we're going to repeat wraps.  For this demo I used 3 you can use what ever you want. for the fat cat ornie I used just one I think)
in above picture the wraps are a little loose and not down next to fabric, adjust so it is down next to fabric and hold with fingers see next
Now keep holding and pull needle on through the wraps, keeping fingers next to fabric until thread is all the way through forming a knot.

ta da. one set, now repeat for other whiskers
NOTE: It just dawned on me, I did this sample backwards...........if you decide to add 3-D things to a stitch project,  DO THEM LAST!! in other words I should have stitched eyes, nose, mouth before adding whiskers
this ends your quick  3-D whisker demo 

next up the PDF link for how I assemble the ornaments


1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing the whisker how to. I will do that for sure. they are so cute. I got the assembly directions too. You are so generous to share these with us.


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