Sorry, I am WAAAAAY behind!!!!!!!!!!!
Not only am I late, this weeks' HOW's are not stitched either.................
So an extra one for my tardiness, really I just wanted to give you all three, lol!!! but I am sorry they are not stitched and that they are late. Sock monkeys with ornaments, count them 3..........Stitch with a strand of dark brown and a strand of med/dark cream on the body parts, 2 strands med/dark cream for the lighter parts(hands, feet, tip of tail) and 2 strands red for his overall shorts. I thought about using fabric fused with Steam-a-Seam Lite (or something similar) for the tree, star and glass ball. Making loose strands of dangly beads for the balls on the tree. If you want to do the applique and need "pieces/parts" to cut out, let me know. I can deconstruct the directions and re-do. I did these last minute this morning before work, I wasn't really thinking about the details so much, like providing the applique shapes. I am so far behind I couldn't even get Monday HOW on Tuesday done until I had time to finish it at lunchtime............AUGHHHHHH!! (is my Snoopy voice! and @#^%&@$&^ from my Woodstock voice!) I think I need a couple of days off!! But a need a plan of attack so I don't waste any of it searching for what I need..... I need to make a list and sort through the piles of fabrics, thread, needles, patterns and pull out what I need for so my time off will be busy time not searching time. I am a hoarder of fabrics, patterns and crafty supplies. Lately ransacked storage boxes, sacks and unsorted piles of goodies have formed everywhere and I need to organize again, I have not created anything stitchy for over a week. It's the Halloween hairbow's fault........ ;-o.

But read all the way to the bottom before you click there's there links to things at the bottom. You may want to come back and click those.
GOOGLE DOCS has been a bugger lately and sometimes won't share. So if you have problems, let me know and I'll email them to you tonight. Pam..I will email you last week's tonight.......sorry about that.
Here's a sock monkey I put on a onesie several years ago, that onesie is now on a sock monkey. ( I tea dyed the onesie so that it would be cream colored). I also have this on a white tee and on a red tee for myself, only on the red tee I substituted blue jean overalls for the red. Can't remember for sure what I did for his pompon on his hat, but I think I made it red but made my own 3-d fringe.
If you would like a free pattern for sock monkeys you can find it Lenny Taylors - a copy of the original pattern for red heel sock monkeys and the directions. If you need the socks they are Rockford red heel socks. I buy them at our local Orschelns farm supply, but there are lots of places to get them. People make them out of all kinds of socks though not just the red heel socks. There are pattens for all sorts of animals too if you search around (free ones and books you can buy).
Here are some of the trick-or-treaters from my family, needless to say one ended up at the costume party, not trick or treating, but she had to have mom help with a sewing fix for the costume (she needed super dooper large shoulder pads added to her jacket, and they needed to be removable so that shoe could wear it to work in the normal way, lol!).
Cami as a purple ballerina and Makenna as a cowgirl since she found some girly cowboy boots at a bargain price!! The pumpkins were rather sad, we carved them on Wednesday and it froze Friday morning, so they shrunk!
Cami again I couldn't get her to twirl, Makenna's second picture did not turn out she had her eyes closed. Sorry Makenna!
And look who was spotted in central Missouri Saturday night, Lady Gaga.......
You can't tell from this picture because she's slouched down, but at 5' 10" and with 3" heels I'm sure she towered over many a man at the party. Her twin is only 5'7" and their older sis is 5'1". I'm in the middle at 5' 2", their dad is 5'11" and their brother (the middle child, in age anyway) is 6' 4". In real life she seemed to be all legs, hahahahaha!
Sarah as Lady Gaga. (she is my youngest daughter and loves Halloween). She decorates her house and dresses up every year then goes where to go ??????? Then she and her friends throw a Halloween party!!
This is last the bar before the party. The girls below are 28 and 25 in case you were wondering why I let my daughter go the the bar at a young age.
I think they were "The Judds" Sarah, as Naomi and her best friend Becky, as Winona.
The year before (election year) she went as Sarah Palin, I couldn't find a picture of that. Imagine the girl on left in a dark suit and no-rim glasses like Ms. Palin. That year I was supposed to partially de-stuff a LARGE stuffed moose as part of the her costume ( moose belonged to her nieces) and add "bloody guts" to it. I did not "de-stuff". I just used some off-white knee-hi hose lightly stuffed with small pieces of blue and red fleece and colored on them with a dark red marker here and there, then tacked them to the moose's stomach looking like guts hanging out. Was kind of a cute gross not a yucky gross. She was caught off guard the first couple of times at the party, when total strangers kept saying "Hi Sarah!" forgetting who she was in costume, lol!!!! And the moose has been restored to it's former cuteness, no harm was done. Although she warned the girls that it was possible it could have since you just never know what to expect you are at a partly drunk mixed political sides party during election year, the girls were okay with that.......they had many more stuffed animals to choose from!
Did you see my last post???? I WON a GO! cutter from AccuQuilt, (thank you again AccuQuilt!! I can't wait till it I want to order some dies and there are SOOOO many I want. ugh decisions, decisions!!) Anyway........
Maybe you aren't aware of this but they give one away EVERY Friday on FACEBOOK which is where I won mine. So if you have a Facebook page, you need to become AccuQuilt's Fan on their
Facebook page and join in the fun. ............lately they've been posting the answers to the Facebook Fun Friday questions on their community forum so you have to sign up for that too.
AND they have other giveaways if you go to their
web page and sign up for their e-mail. LOTS GO!ing on at
Accuquilt, GO! quickly!! GO! Grab your chances to win!
Have fun and enjoy until we talk again!! Cyndi