Stitch, Stitch, Stitch! Home of Bee Tree Designs, where I can share with you my ideas, some free redwork patterns, some new redwork ideas, & other quilty stuff for sale and some other silly stuff. Come, embroider with me.......Home of Jan's Elves, the Snowballs and Licorice Twist Embroidery Quilts, I also have the Twilling Toppers.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Twilling Directions and Patterns
Have you seen or heard about twilling? I hadn't until about two years ago and I only learned it about a year ago from Pauline Quigley. It is easy, pretty fun, and a little addicting if you are a stitcher. It makes a cool textured stitch!! And you can adapt it to many things.
These are my twilling patterns that I have at the quilt shops.
See list of shops on right. I'm also working on a few new runners and a BOM quilt with twilling.
These are my twilling patterns that I have at the quilt shops.
See list of shops on right. I'm also working on a few new runners and a BOM quilt with twilling.
If you want any of my patterns contact the stores from list on the right. I know the ladies at Sew Sweet Quilt Shop ship things because I order fabric and patterns from them , not positive about the others. Specialty Quilts does not ship. They're not all internet stores. And I'm sorry I don't have them in PDF form yet. If you want them and have trouble acquiring them, ask your local quilt store to get them from me or send me an email and we'll work something out.
Below are left handed and right handed directions on how to do twilling also called palestrina stitch. You can print from the picture or you can click on link below each picture for a link to google docs for a PDF version of either hand or BOTH hands
right handers click below
I like to use floss and pearl cotton #5, each for different looks. If I want it bold I use one strand of pearl cotton or all 6 strands of floss (floss is little harder to work with because you have 6 strands but you also have waaaaay more colors to choose from). If I want to mix it in my redwork or embroidery I usually use 3 strands. I have used 2 strands of pearl cotton for a BIG chunky look and it's pretty cool, but uses a lot of thread quickly!!
I recently was asked what I use to transfer designs. There are many other ways to transfer designs, but this is my personal preference. I trace the designs using any of the blue water soluble pens/markers directly on to fabric. The various brands are all about the same. Kelly Jackson at I have a Notion has them and ships internationally. Jessica & Jeannette have them at Sew Sweet Quilt but not on their web store but in their brick & mortar store so call them at 1-660-548-3056 they ship too, not positive about international. Some pens have finer points than others. For twilling, a fine point is not a big deal. For redwork, sometimes is nice to have a fine point. If you do not have a light table, tape design in place on glass table top or window with a light or sun shining through the glass. Center fabric on design, and tape or weight down to prevent shifting (the low tack painters tape is pretty good). Trace the designs with the blue pens. Work your stitching then RINSE WELL in cool water, blot excess water out, Do not wring out, it just puts in excess wrinkles, and let air dry, applying no heat. I smooth them out on a clean bath towel or smooth and pin to the design wall to let dry.
The DOWNSIDES of using the blue pens...... HEAT or extended lengths of time will sometimes, not all times, cause them to "set" the design in the fabric permanently. It usually does not leave the blue color just a gray shadow when rinsed. It reacts in some fabrics more than others....... I have heard that some pink fabrics have this issue? So far, I have not had this happen except for a the remaining part of a set of blocks that were well over a year old, maybe two, that road around in the car most of the time and were not embroidered yet. I have even ironed fabrics that had been traced and not stitched yet...........Ironing IS NOT recommended....I did it before I found out about the heat issue/reaction with these pens.
SO, do not leave your embroidery bag in the hot car in the summer or next to the heater in your car in winter. If you don't know how long it will take you to embroider your project, cut all your blocks so fabric is same but only trace a block or two at a time, stitch, rinse, and air dry as you go.
Here are individual pictures of the covers.
Have a great day, let me know if you have any questions.
Cyndi Hoeller, owner Bee Tree Designs.
Labels:redwork, embroidery, quilts
free pattern,
free patterns,
Twilling Toppers
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Okay first of all I APOLOGIZE for being late, techinical issues with my old laptop, rural wifi and an inexperienced Iphone user (me) are to blame SO SORRY
Next the THANK YOU'S:
Thank you to Regina who gave us the beautiful bowl pattern
that I started with.
I had FUN with this pattern, maybe a little too much.
Sometimes a girl's gotta do what they gotta do. And I had to do it before my head expoded!!
I wrote this post before my project was complete.... at the moment it is still in about 35 pieces or more and I am allowing myself till midnight to finish said project. And I apologize beforehand, pictures quality
may not be the best, or even good....my room is not well lit.
SOOOO, hopefully the picture gets inserted below before that time. I haven't tried it from my phone before.
Next a big Thank You to Madame Samm, Events Coordinator,Great Keeper of the blog hops of SEW WE QUILT for organizing all the hops and providing a place for non-bloggers to play! This is this first time I have jumped into one of your blog hops as a participant. I had seen quite a few, okay lots and lots of blurbs, shout outs and posts about them here and there and visited quite a few hops lately and when I noticed the one about the bowls I thought why not..........I should have checked into this a little deeper before jumping into the fray, imagine my surprise when I found out it was paper pieced.......oh my, that is not my favorite thing to do!! But I had had committed myself to your hop, and so this is my best attempt at Regina's paper piecing., bown up in all sizes But keep in mind I had fun and Thank you!!
Lastly I want to thank Carol of Just Let Me Sew, Cheerleader, Event Supervisor, coordinator of the crazy quilters!!! Oh SEW Great Carol, whom I have conversed with frequently and laughed heartily with, Thank you for your support and for putting up with my zaniness!!
I am dedicating my stack to you......
I started with a few and they looked so lonely, ..... it kind of bothered me, I had to think about it. What would make it work where I wanted it to hang...... I wanted big, and bold.
But first I had a turtle to figure out so I ignored them while they hung there,
so lonely and small.
This is what it was looking at.........
Then I had other things with deadlines, there was a quilt back I had to piece together and a table runner to work on and the bowls just hung there. They stared are me, questioning me......."when are you coming back to us?" Well after after I got my turtle drawing done, the back pieced, and the quilt top all packed, ready for the quilter, I pulled out my bag of scraps
and set to work again, holding up scraps, sizing up colors, Rachel Ray's, " a Week in a Day" playing in the background, bowls running through my head......... then it hit me I knew what I needed to do, I tell you I work best with a 48 hour deadline, but sometimes that deadline gets the best of me and I don't finish. That 24-48 hour deadline is great for ideas but terrible for sewing time. But at least I think I have something good, something I will enjoy and maybe others. At this writing I'm not sure how finished it will be????
But, here it is.
A Weeks' Worth in a Day..... or Two Bowls!
finished at 12:05 8/15/12 CST USA
I apologize for the WET upper and lower corners, there was blue marking pen from squaring it up, It was midnight and I did not have a hair dryer.
it measures 27.5" by 43" :)
bwhahahahaha Carol, I can hear you laughing now.
I know I'm crazy, always have been always will be. But that aside, This was fun.
I 'm glad I jumped on board and will probably do it again one of these days!!
Here is a shot of the middle, is a wet corner not a shadow.
and one for STITCHERS
for any of you who are interested in Free Motion Quilting.. stop here first, IF NOT, jump to next paragraph........I do not do FMQ but designed a turtle anyway. I needed it and could not find a " cute" one, only realistic looking ones....... SO I am giving away my FMQ continuous line turtle I worked on so hard that I think part of my left brain/right brain thing had a small skirmish, but at last one side finally won because I got thing on paper..........I tell you, my hat is off to you free motion quilters.........It took me forever and a day to figure out how to draw a continuous line turtle for a baby quilt.
But it is done & stored on google docs, and am sharing it with you.
It is for your use on your own quilts or quilts you do for others. Just do not sell the pattern, I gave it you free, pass it around free to your friends with credit back to me please. My favorite quilter, Claire, is going to do the turtle quilting on a baby quilt I made for my daughter's best friend with this turtle, the MOM2B will be thrilled! And I am glad to not have to have quilted it!!! LOL! There's a link to google docs below the picture.
You can probably print the picture, But if you would like a PDF instead, click HERE.
Not into Free Motion Quilting......here's another giveaway....for stitchers
Below is "Baskets of Plenty"
(and there are more on blog look for label "freebies" way way down side on right,
there are quite a few!)
Its a set of 12 Baskets I drew for our Quiltin' Chicks redwork group years ago.
Click on the link below the picture.
Baskets A' Plenty
a set of 12 baskets for various reasons or seasons, enjoy!
Glad you hopped by Check below for a new place to hop!
Bowls with Borders Blogs that Carol STACKED UP for
today August 15th
Next the THANK YOU'S:
Thank you to Regina who gave us the beautiful bowl pattern
that I started with.
I had FUN with this pattern, maybe a little too much.
Sometimes a girl's gotta do what they gotta do. And I had to do it before my head expoded!!
I wrote this post before my project was complete.... at the moment it is still in about 35 pieces or more and I am allowing myself till midnight to finish said project. And I apologize beforehand, pictures quality
may not be the best, or even good....my room is not well lit.
SOOOO, hopefully the picture gets inserted below before that time. I haven't tried it from my phone before.
Next a big Thank You to Madame Samm, Events Coordinator,Great Keeper of the blog hops of SEW WE QUILT for organizing all the hops and providing a place for non-bloggers to play! This is this first time I have jumped into one of your blog hops as a participant. I had seen quite a few, okay lots and lots of blurbs, shout outs and posts about them here and there and visited quite a few hops lately and when I noticed the one about the bowls I thought why not..........I should have checked into this a little deeper before jumping into the fray, imagine my surprise when I found out it was paper pieced.......oh my, that is not my favorite thing to do!! But I had had committed myself to your hop, and so this is my best attempt at Regina's paper piecing., bown up in all sizes But keep in mind I had fun and Thank you!!
Lastly I want to thank Carol of Just Let Me Sew, Cheerleader, Event Supervisor, coordinator of the crazy quilters!!! Oh SEW Great Carol, whom I have conversed with frequently and laughed heartily with, Thank you for your support and for putting up with my zaniness!!
I am dedicating my stack to you......
I started with a few and they looked so lonely, ..... it kind of bothered me, I had to think about it. What would make it work where I wanted it to hang...... I wanted big, and bold.
But first I had a turtle to figure out so I ignored them while they hung there,
so lonely and small.
This is what it was looking at.........
and set to work again, holding up scraps, sizing up colors, Rachel Ray's, " a Week in a Day" playing in the background, bowls running through my head......... then it hit me I knew what I needed to do, I tell you I work best with a 48 hour deadline, but sometimes that deadline gets the best of me and I don't finish. That 24-48 hour deadline is great for ideas but terrible for sewing time. But at least I think I have something good, something I will enjoy and maybe others. At this writing I'm not sure how finished it will be????
But, here it is.
A Weeks' Worth in a Day..... or Two Bowls!
finished at 12:05 8/15/12 CST USA
I apologize for the WET upper and lower corners, there was blue marking pen from squaring it up, It was midnight and I did not have a hair dryer.
it measures 27.5" by 43" :)
bwhahahahaha Carol, I can hear you laughing now.
I know I'm crazy, always have been always will be. But that aside, This was fun.
I 'm glad I jumped on board and will probably do it again one of these days!!
Here is a shot of the middle, is a wet corner not a shadow.
Two FREEBIE GIVEAWAYS below to anyone that wants them, one for FM ,and one for STITCHERS
for any of you who are interested in Free Motion Quilting.. stop here first, IF NOT, jump to next paragraph........I do not do FMQ but designed a turtle anyway. I needed it and could not find a " cute" one, only realistic looking ones....... SO I am giving away my FMQ continuous line turtle I worked on so hard that I think part of my left brain/right brain thing had a small skirmish, but at last one side finally won because I got thing on paper..........I tell you, my hat is off to you free motion quilters.........It took me forever and a day to figure out how to draw a continuous line turtle for a baby quilt.
But it is done & stored on google docs, and am sharing it with you.
It is for your use on your own quilts or quilts you do for others. Just do not sell the pattern, I gave it you free, pass it around free to your friends with credit back to me please. My favorite quilter, Claire, is going to do the turtle quilting on a baby quilt I made for my daughter's best friend with this turtle, the MOM2B will be thrilled! And I am glad to not have to have quilted it!!! LOL! There's a link to google docs below the picture.
You can probably print the picture, But if you would like a PDF instead, click HERE.
Not into Free Motion Quilting......here's another giveaway....for stitchers
Below is "Baskets of Plenty"
(and there are more on blog look for label "freebies" way way down side on right,
there are quite a few!)
Its a set of 12 Baskets I drew for our Quiltin' Chicks redwork group years ago.
Click on the link below the picture.
Baskets A' Plenty
a set of 12 baskets for various reasons or seasons, enjoy!
Glad you hopped by Check below for a new place to hop!
Bowls with Borders Blogs that Carol STACKED UP for
today August 15th
hop by the following to see how they stacked theirs
You are here at (Stitch, Stitch, Stitch) aka Bee Tree Designs. Hope you had fun!!! Cyndi
Labels:redwork, embroidery, quilts
bowls with borders blog hop. quilt wallhanging,
FMQ turtle,
free patterns,
redwork freebie pattern,
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