Can't decide what to do for mystery monday so while I think about it, I'm going to show what I did late last night and early this morning.......................Jenny Reynolds at
Jenny from elefantz see the daisy do button on my side bar, she is having a 4 month BOM and being one to not always follow directions I decided to go an opposite direction as far as color, however I should have READ the directions because I just chopped off a chunk of fabric and traced the design on a light box with a white pencil from granddaughters set of colored pencils.........usually I use a white or light gel pen on dark fabric but the gel pens were at home. And now I think it's not 8.5" and so I may have to do a little tinkering to get it to fit in her design. oh well..........that's what I get for not reading the materials required, makes life a challenge........who would want it too easy, lol!!! Anyway, here is my version of Jenny's first block.................
I used dk cream, a taupe and dark brown floss on a brown/black tone on tone.
I was supposed to be sorting stuff but the needle called and I had to pick it up.
AND I thought I'd introduce to our super helper/super monster, AKA Cami (Camryn). She's granddaughter #2, and is age 3. She wanted a Super Helper cape in red......................Now don't you just love raveling jsut sew and go. I had lots of fleece but alas no red................what to do.................hmmmm Cami and I thought about it for awhile, her house is 40 miles from town so we couldn't just hop in the car and go to town, so we decided to make a super monster cape, but kind cute and not so scary, she thought it was a bit scary until I added the tongue, then she thought it was funny. So now she zooms around the house in her super monster cape, being a super helper. I didn't make it so it would tie around her has straps sewn onto it that she puts on like a coat or shirt. They sit up at her shoulders so I wouldn't have to worry about her choking herself somehow. She would only stand still today while we were cleaning for a few seconds so I had to be quick........she was too busy being a super helper for her mom and did not have time to have a picture or two taken

I should have gathered it more between her shoulders but she wears it as is and loves it. It will grow with her. It doesn't really show on my computer but the cape is black and the face parts are kind of a pale neon green. The "hair was some scraps leftover from the face parts, it was all cut freehand and sewn on as is.
Any way she is our little super monster, super helper.
Don'f forget about last meek's hosting a giveaway. One layer cake ea for 2 different people. Givaway ends at midnight my time CST. Drawing will be sometime the 25th